1) Can you identify the name of the token? (Format: String) (2 points)
We will upload the ticket to CyberChef to check
Search GG and see JWT decode
2) What is the structure of this token? (Format: Section.Section.Section) (2 points)
As seen, it includes: Header, Payload, Signature
3) What is the hint you found from this token? (Format: String) (2 points)
As seen “flag”: “BTL{_4_Eyes}”. The verdict will be _4_Eyes
4) What is the Secret? (Format: String) (2 points)
To decode we will use brute force, there is hashcat and john here I will use hashcat
You must first go to root
hashcat token.txt -m 16500 -a 3 ?a?a?a?a
-m 16500
in Hashcat is used to crack JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
Since I already did it, I used Hashcat --show
yeh so the secret here is bT!0
5) Can you generate a new verified signature ticket with a low privilege? (Format: String.String.String) (2 points)
To get the answer to this question, there is a secret in the previous question, now change the value of admin from true
to false
Because I don’t have admin rights hehe :>
goodbye, thank you for reading until now //~//
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